Lastline US analysis service analysis slowdown


This incident has been resolved.


The scale-up of the analysis service completed successfully and resumed normal operation as of 8:15 PDT. We continue monitoring, but do not expect any impact moving forward.

The analysis service observed a slowdown while serving analysis results for newly submitted artifacts (file/URLs) between 7:30 and 8:15 PDT. There is no impact on analysis quality or serving analysis results for previously analyzed artifacts.

The cause of the incident was a faulty monitoring component, causing the service to not scale with the increasing load at morning peak time of the US-West-Coast timezone. We are improving the monitoring to improve timely and accurate scaling of the analysis service.


We are continuing to monitor for any further issues.


We are currently scaling out the Lastline hosted US data center, causing a slow-down in serving analysis results between 7:30 PDT until now. The scale-up is finishing up and we expect to resume average processing times within the next minutes.

This affected only new analysis runs, so no impact in retrieving cached results. All data is being processed as expected, only with lower-than-usual average duration.

We will update the notification with details as we continue monitoring.

Began at:

Affected components