CB Defense 06 Services Degraded


The incident has been resolved.


A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.


We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.


We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.


We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.



  1. Some elements of CB Defense 06 UI may take longer than normal to populate or fail to load. CB Defense 06 org Administrators may be unable to log in. CB Defense 06 Dashboard may be unavailable.

  2. Connection from CB Defense 06 Sensor to CB Defense 06 Backend may be unavailable or fail intermittently. CB Defense 06 Sensor may be unable to upload latest events from an endpoint, look up reputation of a new file or receive a configuration change from CB Defense 06 Backend.

  3. Connection to CB Defense 06 API Services may be unavailable or fail intermittently. Integrations based on CB Defense 06 API, including SIEM connectors, Two-Factor Authentication and SAML logins, may not function correctly.

Security Impact: Prevention capabilities of CB Defense 06 are unaffected. Visibility of events and alerts related to Prevention and Detection may be temporarily delayed until normal operation of Event Processing is restored.

We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.

Next Update: 3 hours or upon earlier status change


We are continuing to work on fixing this issue.

Next Update: 60m


The issue has been identified and we are working towards resolution.


We are currently investigating a Live Response issue in which sessions are not connecting, policy changes are not taking and bypass mode is not working.

Next update: 60 minutes

Began at: