
The VMware SASE team has identified that the external customers are not impacted and these VCOs are for internal users only. Accordingly, this is the final notification for this incident which will now be closed.

Start Time: January 17, 2023 18:52 UTC End Time: January 17, 2023 18:53 UTC

Current Impact: None


The VMware SASE team has become aware of a service event and continues to gather more information. Engineering resources have been engaged and an update will be provided shortly.

Start Time: January 17, 2023 18:52 UTC End Time: To be determined

Current Impact: There is no traffic/data plane impact, some users on VCO 12, 58 and 997 may not be able to make any configuration changes.


The VMware SASE team has become aware of a potential service event and is gathering more information. Engineering resources have been engaged and an update will be provided shortly.

Start Time: January 17, 2023 18:52 UTC End Time: To be determined

Current Impact: To be determined

Began at: