Carbon Black Cloud 05 Event Processing Delays


The issue with Cb Defense 05 Event Processing degraded is now resolved. All systems are functioning per normal operation.


We are continuing to monitor our backlog processing until the issue is fully resolved.

Next Update: 3 hours or upon earlier status change.


We've implemented a fix and are currently monitoring.

Next Update: 6 hours or upon earlier status change


We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.


We've identified the issue and are working on a fix.

Next Update: 4 hours or upon earlier status change.


We are continuing to investigate this issue and identify a root cause.


Carbon Black Cloud 05 Defense Event Processing is currently serving in a degraded state. Some customers may experience delays in events being processed.

We are currently working on a fix for this issue.

Next Update: 4 hours or upon earlier status change

Carbon Black Team

Began at: