Carbon Black Cloud - Endpoint Standard - US 1 Dashboard degraded performance


The 3rd Party DNS issue has been resolved. All systems are functioning per normal operation.

Thank you Carbon Black Team


We have resolved the issue and restored the service back to normal performance.


We have identified the root cause to be 3rd Party DNS provider UltraDNS which is causing this intermittent issue.

Security Impact: Prevention capabilities of ENDPOINT STANDARD - US 1 are unaffected.

Next Update: 3 hours or upon earlier status change

Thank you Carbon Black Team


Description: Some users may experience a failure to load We currently suspect a DNS-related issue but are still investigating.

Security Impact: Prevention capabilities of ENDPOINT STANDARD are unaffected.

For any incident updates please visit

Next Update: 60 minutes or upon earlier status change

We are working diligently to restore the service back to normal performance. We thank you for your patience as we identify and resolve the issue.

Carbon Black Team

tags: statusalert, cbdalerts, cb defense

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