VMware Aria Cost powered by CloudHealth: Cost History reports unavailable for few historical months


All services are operating as expected, and the reports have been updated for affected customers. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at Support@CloudHealthTech.com or reach out to your TAM.

Start Time: August 31, 2023 06:15 UTC End Time: September 04, 2023 09:33 UTC

Current Impact: No impact


The reprocessing of reports is still in progress and further updates will be provided once available.

Start Time: August 31, 2023 06:15 UTC End Time: N/A

Current Impact: AWS cost history report is missing the data for a few historical months.


The engineering team have identified the cause of the missing historical data and teams are in the process of rerunning processing for impacted customers. Further updates will be provided as available.

Start Time: August 31, 2023 06:15 UTC End Time: N/A

Current Impact: AWS cost history report is missing the data for a few historical months.


The engineering team is testing the fix and we can expect more updates soon. Please contact support (support@cloudhealthtech.com) with any questions.

Start Time: August 31, 2023 06:15 UTC End Time: N/A

Current Impact: AWS cost history report is missing the data for a few historical months.


Engineering team is currently investigating an issue that has resulted in the AWS cost history report not having the data for a few historical months.

FlexReport data is not impacted by this issue, so it may be utilised where applicable as a workaround. We will provide updates as they become available.

Please contact support (support@cloudhealthtech.com) with any questions.

Start Time: August 31, 2023 06:15 UTC End Time: N/A

Current Impact: AWS cost history report is missing the data for a few historical months.

Began at:

Affected components